Proteus: just connect a LED to RA2. We will blink this LED using TMR1 interrupt with a period of 500ms
MCC: select RA2 for output, 1MHz internal OSC and add TMR1 peripheral. clock FOSC/4, scaler 1:2, enable interrupt and synch and write 500ms period.
XC8: enable global and peripheral interrupts. On the ISR routine toggle RA2, this will happen at every 500ms interrupt. that's all.
include "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"
void myTimerISR(void);
Main application
void main(void)
// Initialize the device
TMR1_SetInterruptHandler (myTimerISR); //Define interrupt Handler
// Enable the Global Interrupts
// Enable the Peripheral Interrupts
while (1)
// Add your application code
void myTimerISR(void){
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