Proteus: the same circuit as in interrupt. RA2 connected to a LED and we will blink this LED at every 250ms which will be counted by timer0.
XCC: we will use timer0 but not for interrupt. maximum period value 262ms, we choose 250ms. 1:256 prescaler and FOSC/4 oscillator. internal 1MHZ osc selected and RA2 is selected for output.
XC8: We add a if statement inside the main while loop. If overflow occures (at 250ms) toggle RA2 LED and clear overflow. LED will blink at 250ms period.
while (1)
// Add your application code
if (TMR0_HasOverflowOccured()) //Has Timer0 Overflowed?
IO_RA2_Toggle(); //Switch state of RA2 LED when overflow occurs
TMR0IF = 0; //Clear the Timer0 overflow flag
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